Bob and Verna Griggs
bvgriggs @ © Copyright 2009-15 Bob Griggs Ministries.
bb 8.12
Partner With Us
Every day we see how much more plowing,
planting, and cultivating a team can do, with a
heart to work and our eyes on the true goal.
We savor the view and the bounty of tall
healthy crops we’ve had a hand in.
How much more will God bless you and I as we
partner up in harvesting lost helpless souls for the Kingdom?
Four major methods of teaming with us, are:
1. Pray for our ministries daily
with the same support you would
your biological or church family.
2. Partner financially one time
or as a dedicated habit as God
leads you from His abundance.
3. Invite friends to our
fantastic website and
prayer letter subscription.
4. Forward used Christian
literature of all forms to
be shipped overseas.