========== Pack 89 w/o ans ==========
Nehemiah 1: 1-11 Ans. ]=[ Nehemiah 2: 1-12 Ans.
Nehemiah 2:13- 4 Ans. ]=[ Nehemiah 3: 5-17 Ans.
Nehemiah 3:18- 1 Ans. ]=[ Nehemiah 4: 2-14 Ans.
Nehemiah 4:15- 5 Ans. ]=[ Nehemiah 5: 6-17 Ans.
Nehemiah 5:18-10 Ans. ]=[ Nehemiah 6:11- 4 Ans.
========== Pack 90 w/o ans ==========
Nehemiah 7: 5-30 Ans. ]=[ Nehemiah 7:31-58 Ans.
Nehemiah 7:59-73 Ans. ]=[ Nehemiah 8: 1-10 Ans.
Nehemiah 8:11- 3 Ans. ]=[ Nehemiah 9: 4-14 Ans.
Nehemiah 9:15-25 Ans. ]=[ Nehemiah 9:26-34 Ans.
Nehemiah 9:35-28 Ans. ]=[ Nehemiah 10:29-38 Ans.
========== Pack 91 w/o ans ==========
Nehemiah 10:39-12 Ans. ]=[ Nehemiah 11:13-29 Ans.
Nehemiah 11:30-22 Ans. ]=[ Nehemiah 12:23-36 Ans.
Nehemiah 12:37-47 Ans. ]=[ Nehemiah 13: 1-13 Ans.
Nehemiah 13:14-24 Ans. ]=[ Nehemiah 13:25-31 Ans.
========== End of Nehemiah ==========
These free downloadable Bible-based word search puzzles are for
your enjoyment and growth. So often, our lives seem to have so
many questions with missing Ans.s - like our puzzle key words. And
the purpose; the direction for our lives is like a jumble of letters,
leaving us no certain direction to go. But God's precious word
always brings clarity, direction, and peace to our hearts, and those
we minister to.
Files are in printable PDF format ready to (optionally) print both
sides for bulletin inserts, take-homes, and many other uses to
spread God's Word. Ans.s are in graphic png files.
Share with a neighbor or nursing home resident, VBS, classmate at school,
or when you munch your lunch. The printed puzzles fit in a letter or get-well
card too. They can even be added to your website or blog.
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Please report errors to
grampscurtis @ gmail.com
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Don’t Look At The Answer Screens!
If you get stuck, ask a friend to help! Get them into the scriptures too!!
Our view of life
is often like a puzzle, like the jumble of
letters in these search duo-puzzles. We can't see any
picture, or a path, or even a START HERE, where we can
take our first step. There seems to be no THIS WAY UP,
And sometimes we make a decision too fast and
make the whole puzzle of life even worse. I've done that,
you've done that. The puzzle becomes painful more each
day, when we see others watching us, looking for us to
lead them ...
When others try to give us advice, there seems to
be gaps in that advice, that keeps us from having any
confidence or comfort down deep in our hearts. That
advice of others is like the word list.that has gaps that
have to be filled in to grow and be good leaders to
Before you even look at the puzzle, read the page of
scripture slowly during some quiet moments.
Puzzle Partnering
You’ve been wanting to share your faith in Jesus
Christ and His Salvation message with someone close by.
But you’re not sure of a good way to begin. That person
may be a fellow traveler, a family member, a person you
work, study, or just hang out with.
In the middle of one of your puzzles, tell that person,
“I could sure use your help finding this word... have ya got
a second?”
Become partners in finishing the puzzle as you both
read the scripture to complete the word and then find it in
the letter maze. More puzzles are at: